WAMP环境搭建与配置各位童鞋大家好,今天我们来分享一下 WAM环境搭建和配置,本教程包括虚拟 主机的配置。顾名思义quot;WAMP旨的是quot;Windows Apache MySQL PHPquot;,这四款 软件的组合。在大家平时
MySQL Version : 5.6.17 -Documentation PHP 5 Apache 2 MySQL 5 Version 2.5 Version Française Server Configuration 2.4.9 -Documentation PHP Version : 5.5.12 -Documentation Server Software: Apache/2.4.9 (Win32) PHP/5.5.12 Loaded Extensions : apache2handler bcmath bz2 calendar com_dotnet Core ct...
A simplified client the WAMP v2 protocol (Web Application Messaging Protocol) with a handy command line tool - PHP WebSocket made easy. Based on the great work put together byThruway, Minion will give you the simplicity and flexibility of runningminion runand get a client running in no time....
which is particularly odd since the script explicitly exits 0. Perhaps you could run the script yourself from the command line and see if there is any output shown other than that shown above. Here is the content: $PHP_CHECK_ID='<ComposerSetup:>';$version=PHP_VERSION;$ini=php_ini_loaded...
3 ) Uncomment the “;phar.require_hash = On” line by removing the semi-colon. 4 ) Change “On” to “Off”. phar.require_hash = Off 5 ) Save the file. 6 ) Now on command prompt type ‘go-pear’ . If it gives error, then download this file:http://pear.php.net/go-pear.ph...
through Apache, so is the cli php.ini the one we need to edit. So edit the php.ini in Your\installation\path\php\php5.4.12\php.ini (the php version might change depending on the version of WAMP). On the file go to the extensions section and remove the ; from the extension for ...
@BFG9000 , could you, please, try CLI version just to see if it will show more detailed error? See example of the command below (just substitute necessary values). php setup/index.php install --db_host=localhost --db_name=magento --db_user=root --db_pass=pass --base_url=http://...