of war, discussed in his classicJust and Unjust Wars(1977) and the more recentArguing about War(2004). His work also has concentrated on issues of nationalism, ethnicity, economic justice, the welfare state, tolerance and accomodation, and the history of Jewish political thought. Other books ...
It is written in the spirit of the later work of John Rawls, who tried to listen to the communitarian critique of liberalism and then incorporate it in his more modest version of liberalism instead of letting it coopt liberalism. That effort, though, is much more carefully and extensively ...
The most striking feature of Walzer"s critique is that, far from rejecting the principle of reward according to merit, Walzer insists on its validity. People who excel should receive the superior benefits appropriate to their excellence. But people exhibit a great variety of qualities—"intelligence...
Making use of very similar arguments, cosmopolitan theorists contend that Walzer overstates the value of communal belonging and fails to fully appreciate the universality human rights. For an example of this critique, see Beitz 2014, 71–72. These challenges of course take a geopolitical form, but...