Bryan Cranston as Walter White in the hit TV show Breaking Bad. Now, a new four-partFOX Nation documentary called The Godfather of Fentanyl, reveals the rogue chemist who unleashed this horror. George Erik Marquardt was the real-life Walter White, the cancer-stricken protagonist of the acclaime...
Spotlight on Documentary films: Brett Morgen's Jane; Alex Gibney's No Stone Unturned; Nancy Buirski's The Rape Of Racy Taylor; Myles Kane and Josh Koury's Voyeur - Main Slate: Chloé Zhao's The Rider; Dee Rees' Mudbound; Hong Sang-soo's The Day After; Special Event: Susan Froemke's...
When it comes to medical questions, real life doctor turned comedian, Ken Jeong, is your first, second and funniest opinion. In this half-hour, comedic medical advice show, Jeong dispenses his expertise while also performing related comedy bits in front of a studio audience. Jeong and his ...
James Gandolfini brought a real humanity to Tony. Real-life mafiosos often praised his performance, but his performance is so identifiable that anyone with a family or a career could relate to him. NEXT: El Camino: 5 Loose Ends It Tied Up From Breaking Bad (& 5 It Didn't)Subscribe to ...
Walter also had the self-confidence to deal with white mistakes, such as this anecdote from when he lived in a rich suburb of D.C. Being among the very few blacks in Chevy Chase taught me a lesson about racial relationships. Living in a corner house…prompted a Saturday chore of picking...
one thing I did not know and could not know was the important role that fraying box would play later in my life. The cherished items included things that a million other GIs brought back from their tours of duty; tattered and faded black and white photos of foxhole friends, patches and ...
7 stages of life with associated planets; thus: Infancy – Moon, Luna; Childhood – Mercury, Knowledge; Youth – Venus, Love; Maturity – Mars; Manhood – Sol (Sun), Full Strength; Judgment – Jupiter; Old Age – Saturn. When we pass white light through a prism it splits into 7 di...
Through October p 13 V Festival Leo Brouwer de Música de Cámara Sep 24 – Oct 13 p 32 Havana Guide to the Best Places to eat, Bars, Clubs & Museums p 49 PRODUCED BY .COM Center for Cuban Studies Imagine Cuba let us make it real for you CUBA ENGAGES ALL OF YOUR SENSES. With us...