Walter White vs Tony Soprano: Face Off The Sopranos‘s Tony Soprano and Breaking Bad‘s Walter White are two of the most memorable TV leads ever. Both are family men who also happen to be criminal masterminds – and murderous ones at that. Both roles made the men that played them, ...
walter___white PhysX3.4文档(14) -- Scene Queries Scene Queries Introduction PhysX在PxScene中提供了一些方法,用于对场景中的Actor和附加形状(attached shapes)执行碰撞查询(collision queries)。有三种类型的查询:光线投射(raycasts)、扫描(sweeps)和重叠(overlaps),每种查询都可以返回单个结果或多个结果。从广义上...
设置shape和actor和sphere是一样的。 PxRigidDynamic* aCapsuleActor = thePhysics->createRigidDynamic(PxTransform(position)); PxTransformrelativePose(PxQuat(PxHalfPi, PxVec(0,0,1))); PxShape* aCapsuleShape = PxRigidActorExt::createExclusiveShape(*aCapsuleActor, PxCapsuleGeometry(radius, halfHeight),...
Nikki Fauntleroyon March 9, 1998. Around 50-100 guests including close friends and family members of Walter and his bride attended the wedding. Walter wore a black and white tuxedo while his wife was stunned in a custom-made bridal gown....
Jerks of the Week- Dec. 4, 2023: The Lazy Actor Jerks of the Week- Nov. 27, 2023: My Son's First Trick-or-Treat Jerks of the Week- Nov. 20, 2023: Back to School Night Jerks of the Week- Nov. 13, 2023: Football Baby
voidPxController::resize(PxF32 height)=0; 重要的是要注意,无需任何额外测试即可直接修改体积,因此可能会发生生成的体积与附近的某些几何图形重叠的情况。 例如,当调整角色大小以离开蹲伏姿势时,即当角色的大小增加时,首先检查角色是否确实可以“站立”很重要:角色上方的空间体积必须是空的(无碰撞)。 为此,建议使用...
actor and shape are not filled (these fields are used only in scene-level sweeps, see Scene Queries). position (PxHitFlag::ePOSITION) is the position of the intersection. When there are multiple impact points, such as two boxes meeting face-to-face, PhysX will select one point arbitrarily...
修改Actor的状态会强制将数据重新同步到GPU,例如,如果应用程序调整全局pose,则必须更新Actor的transform,如果应用程序修改body的速度,则必须更新速度等。将数据重新同步到GPU的相关成本相对较低,但应予以考虑。joint projection、CCD 和触发器等功能不能使用 GPU 加速,而是在 CPU 上处理的。