本书内容相[0当0]精练,结构简单明了,这也是Rudin著作的一[0大0]特色。与其说这是一部教科书,不如说这是一部字典。 目录 PrefaceChapter 1 The Real and Complex Number SystemsIntroductionOrdered SetsFieldsThe Real FieldThe Extended Real Number SystemThe Complex FieldEuclidean SpacesAppendixExercisesChapter...
In this book I present an analysis course which I have teach to first year graduate students at the Univereity of Wisconsin since 1962.The course was developed for two reasons. The first was a belief that one could present the basic techniques and theor
Hanson, Bobby
除本书外,他还著有另外两本[0名0]著: 《Functional Analysis》和《Real and Complex Analysis》,这些教材已被翻译成13种语言,在世界各地广泛使用,以本书作为教材的[0名0]校有加利福尼亚[0大0][0学0]伯克利分校,哈佛[0大0][0学0]、麻省理工[0学0]院等。