WalterKnoll的Tama Living Sofa,由奥地利设计工作室EOOS精心打造,灵感源自大海上的孤岛。这款沙发的设计融合了弧线、直线和多边形,通过模块化设计,每一座“岛屿”都能展现出独特的几何形态,为空间和心情带来柔和的触感。Tama Sofa提供了丰富的面料选择,包括织物、天鹅绒和皮革,以及多种扶手和隔板配置。无论是私人空间还...
📍 位于德国法兰克福的QX-Manor,这里的设计理念是“到家即舒适”。设计团队通过光线、开放空间和轻松的氛围,营造了一种宾至如归的感觉。💡 充满自然光线的房间,给人一种轻松开阔的感觉,让人仿佛置身于家中。🔥 宾客可以在壁炉前,舒适地坐在鲍扶手椅上,享受片刻的宁静。而宽敞的Grand Suite Sofa,更是为成员和...
品牌:万德诺 WALTER KNOLL (德国) 设计师:利欧信工作室 EOOS 尺寸: 常规 宽720高730 坐高430 MM 其它规格可定制: 790W*750D*490/720H 770W*760D*410/710H 650W*580D*460/770H 材质:真皮 高密度海绵+ 实木框架 德国源地产高碳钢弹簧 钢制脚架高光镀铬处理 ...
Walter Knoll Living Platform Leather Sofa Cream Three-Seater Couch Function Unavailable H 31.5 in W 880.71 in D 33.47 in MIM Ico Parisi Knoll Yellow Wool Upholstery and Black Fiberglass Sectional Sofa Unavailable H 25 in W 111 in D 30.75 in UNIQUE PAIR OF ENGLISH FULLY RESTORED KNOLL DROP ARM...
Poliform sofa ViardeInterior Design © Viarde Rimi Neo kitchen ViardeInterior Design Loft interior Deniz AtliInterior Design Arper Furniture RNDR StudioInterior Design © RNDR Studio Bosco Verticale RNDR StudioInterior Design Haus Hohlen/Jochen Specht Jonathan EvansInterior Design © Jonathan Evans...
creating a point of attraction and guiding visitors straight to the new Walter Knoll sofa collection, which is presented as a round ensemble beneath the artwork. With Irene Cuzzaniti from Studio Irene, we were able to win a highly talented Milanese florist for our project. Her floral arrangement...
1, Living Landscape 750 2, Joco Stone table 3, Linteloo Slice Magazine ...
Preben Fabricius & Jørgen Kastholm Sofa in Brown Leather and Steel Tulip Lounge Chair by Preben Fabricius & Jørgen Kastholm for Walter Knoll FK6727 Preben Fabricius and Jorgen Kastholm Sofa Preben Fabricius & Jørgen Kastholm, Leather Sofa FK 6720 for Kill International ...
1, Walter knoll Living Landscape 750 2, Tachini cage table 3, Oluce Atollo - 239 4, Accessories 5, Rug http: // www / en / lamps / table / atollo-239-detail
WALTER KNOLL储物柜:时尚个性化的储存空间 所谓“术业有专攻”,从家具设计角度来说,家具尤其是办公用家具最吸引消费者目光地必然是其针对性的高效功能。物如其名,来自Walter Knoll的Storage System储物柜充分发挥了作为储物系统的效用。科学严密地设计产品的规格尺寸,构建模块化系统化存储空间。