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It includes a chapter, “The Development of the Slab Apartment Block,” that explains Gropius’s influential 1920s ideas on this topic. Gropius, Ise. Walter Gropius: Buildings, Plans, Projects 1906–1969. Washington, DC: International Exhibitions Foundation, 1972. A well-illustrated, compact ...
Walter Gropius (1883–1969) was a pioneering German architect and founder of theBauhaus, one of the most influential schools of architecture and design in the 20th century. Known for his advocacy of modernism, Gropius emphasized the integration of art, technology, and craftsmanship to create functi...
(以下附Otto Bartning-1918年教育改革建议及课程草案(草译版和德文原版)、Walter Gropius-1919年包豪斯课程方案(草译版和德文原版)) Otto Bartning - Suggestions on the teaching plan for craftsmen, architects and plastic artists此在一刚 / 草译(个别细节根据原文调整) Today, the following institutions serve...
WalterGropius.(German,1883-1969) Americanarchitect,industrialdesignerandteacherofGermanbirth.HewasoneofthemostinfluentialfiguresinthedevelopmentoftheModernMovement,whosecontributionlayasmuchinhisworkastheoreticianandteacherasitdidinhisinnovativearchitecture.TheimportantbuildingsandprojectsinGropius’scareer—theearlyfactor...
Weimar, with its winding cobblestone alleys and primly restored historical buildings, might seem like an unlikely ground zero for the bombshell launched by Walter Gropius with the school's founding on April 1, 1919. Bauhaus design turns 100 as disputes over its legacy churn But what did the Bau...
Walter Gropius, the founder of the Bauhaus school, died fifty years ago today. A new biography is out, Gropius: The Man Who Built the Bauhaus, by Fiona MacCarthy. Two major houses published it simultaneously, Faber & Faber in the U.K. … Continue reading → Posted in Architecture | Tagge...
格洛佩斯Walter Gropius WalterGropius.(German,1883-1969)•Americanarchitect,industrialdesignerandteacherofGermanbirth.HewasoneofthemostinfluentialfiguresinthedevelopmentoftheModernMovement,whosecontributionlayasmuchinhisworkastheoreticianandteacherasitdidinhisinnovativearchitecture.TheimportantbuildingsandprojectsinGropius...
The Fagus Factory is a complex with many buildings, which contain various functions such as manufacturing, storage, and offices, and Gropius felt it was important to design an exterior design aesthetic that could be applied to various structures. The use of brick — more specifically, a 40-cent...