Comments on English writer Walter Benjamin's 'The Arcades Project' which aims to give flashes of insight into the apparently random patterns of the mass. Significance of the book for Victorian literary and cultural studies; List of a melancholy litany of goods on sale in a contemporary arcade,...
Miguel Abensour, inUtopia: From Thomas More to Walter Benjamin, explores the idea of utopia, by examining foundational theoretical texts of Thomas More, Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Charles Fourier, Auguste Blanqui, and other utopian critics. Initially published in French in 2000, this book i...
For Benjamin, gambling was one of the most significant phenomenona of the nineteenth century. In Paris this became particularly manifest in the Palais-Royal, which is also where the first arcade was built. The thesis shows how the different forms of play, the aleatoric and the mimetic, are ...
The article investigates the essays of Walter Benjamin, such as Experience and poverty (1933), The Storyteller (1935) e The work art in the time of its technical reproduction (1936), and those directly related to time and knowleadge theory, such as Konvolut N,...
Stefan Sebastian Maftei