Featured in:Short Motivational Quotes,Positive Life Quotes,Good Morning Inspirational Quotes,Judging Quotes 415 0 Download 18 Wallpapers 2. “Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.” —Walt Whitman Featured in:Happiness Quotes,Positive Life Quotes,Positive Motiv...
Other inspirational Walt Whitman quotes and sayings 51. “From this hour, freedom! Going where I like, my own master…”― Walt Whitman 52. “To know the universe itself as a road, as many roads, as roads for traveling souls.”― Walt Whitman ...
I celebrate myself, and sing myself.- Walt WhitmanPlease sign-up for my Free Daily Inspirational Quotes and Insights Email on the form below.Thank you for joining me on this journey we call life, - Jonathan Lockwood HuieYouth, large, lusty, loving -Youth, full of grace, force, fascinati...
Inspirational,Walt WhitmanNo comments » About This Site Photo Quoto combines beautiful pictures and great quotations -- every single day. My dream is that these photo quotes will create an awareness and appreciation for the incredible beauty that surrounds us. I also hope that the myriad saying...
An inspirational quote by Walt Whitman about the value of Curiosity: “Be curious, not judgmental. ”
This is what made Walt Whitman’s life worth living: “From to-day I enter upon my 64th year. The paralysis that first affected me nearly ten years ago, has since remain’d, with varying course — seems to have settled quietly down, and will probably continue. I easily tire, am very...