CWalt Whitman是美国自由体诗的先锋,正像题干中提到的“poetry without a fixed regular rhyme scheme”即:没有固定韵律的诗。题中blank verse是无韵诗,heroic couplet是英雄诗体,iambic pentameter是抑扬格五音步诗。只有C项free verse是自由体诗的意思,所以是正确答案。 WaltWhitman是美国自由体诗的先锋,正像题干...
After the shift Whitman's loyalties to the Union are still very apparent, but he has begun to emphasize the toll that the war has taken both on citizens and soldiers as a way to remind the public of what they have been fighting for. Whitman's poems both before and after the shift can...
解析 B 本题考查美国文学作家知识。惠特曼(Walt Whitman)是美国诗歌的先锋人物,他以无拘无束的诗体和长短不一的诗句来象征美国无所不在的民主精神,是自由体现代诗的鼻祖。结果一 题目 Walt Whitman was a pioneering figure of American poetry. His innovation, first of all, lies in his use of ___, poet...
InfluencesonWhitmanandLanguage II.III.Style FreeVerse IV.Powerfulrhetoricof Whitman’spoetry V.DistinctiveFeaturesof Whitman’sPoetry VI.Work:LeavesofGrassVII.Reputationandinfluence borninLongIsland,NewYorksonofaQuaker(贵格派)carpenterthesecondofninechildren ...
Walt Whitman is one of the most famous American poets. His work boldly asserts the worth of the individual and the oneness of all humanity; his defiant break with traditional poetic concerns and style exerted a major influence on American thought and literature. ...
Kantrowitz, Arnie.Walt Whitman. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2005. This book offers a good short biography of Whitman, focusing on Whitman’s “love of comrades” and the ways that “homosexuality was a positive influence on his work” (p. 153). ...
How did Walt Whitman influence America? Whitman played an influential role in America's literary landscape. He writes in American speech and in free verse, allowing the sounds and voices of America, rather than the English, to show in his writings. ...
Influence Earlylife Earlylife BornonMay31,1819inLongIsland(长岛),hewasthesecondsonofninechildreninfamily.Atagefour,WhitmanmovedwithhisfamilyfromWestHillstoBrooklyn(布鲁克林),livingaseriesofhome,partlyduetobadinvestments.Earlylife Atageeleven,heconcludedformalschooling,heonlyhadsixyearsofschooling.Hewaslargely...
WaltWhitman&EmilyDickson ---AmericanPoetry WaltWhitman(1819-1892)andEmilyDickson(1830-1886)wereAmericanpoetsinthemeandtechnique.Thematically,bothextolled(v.赞美)intheirdifferentways,anemergentAmerica,itsexpansion,itsindividualismanditsAmericanness.Theirpoetrybelongtothepartof“AmericanRenaisance”intechnicalterms,...
Best Known For: Walt Whitman was an American poet whose verse collection 'Leaves of Grass' is a landmark in the history of American literature. Industries Journalism and Nonfiction Fiction and Poetry Astrological Sign: Gemini Death Year: 1892 Death date: March 26, 1892 Death State: New Jersey...