Walt Whitman是什么意思、Walt Whitman怎么读 读音:英[] 美[wɔːlt ˈwɪtmən] Walt Whitman 基本解释 惠特曼 词组短语 1、Walt WhitmanBridge [网络] 沃尔特惠特曼大桥;华特惠特曼桥 2、i hear america singing by walt whitman 我听到沃尔特·惠特曼演唱的《美国》 ...
沃尔特•惠特曼(Walt Whitman,1819―1892),美国诗人,散文家。美国文坛从先验主义到现实主义过渡期的代表人物。出生于长岛一个农民兼手工艺者家庭。曾做过勤杂工、排字工、教师、报纸编辑和地方党报撰稿人等。青少年时代接受民主思想,成为一个激进的民主主义者,后退出政治活动,专心写作,并于1855年推出了《草叶集》的初...
1.由文中“Walt Whitman was a famous American poet.”可知答案。 2.由文中“He was born on May 31, 1819, in Long Island.”和“He published his first book of poetry (诗集) in 1855.”可知答案。 3.由文中“As a young man, Whitman worked as a school teacher, a printer and a newspaper...
WaltWhitman(1819-1892)Icelebratemyself,andsingmyself,AndwhatIassumeyoushallassume,Foreveryatombelongingtomeasgoodbelongstoyou Myself ExcerptfromSongof Life •Born:31May1819•Birthplace:LongIsland,NewYork.•Died:26March1892 •Borninaworking-classfamily,sonofacarpenter •Atfour,familymovedtoBrooklyn...
( A ) 沃尔特惠特曼 Walt Whitman WaltWhitman IhearAmericasinging…“Icelebratemyself…”WaltWhitmanwasbornMay31,1819onSouthHuntington,LongIsland,NewYork.Hewasalmostentirelyself-education,especiallyadmiringtheworkofDante,Shakespeare,andHomer.Hismotherdescribedhimas“verygood,butverystrange.”Hisbrotherdescribe...
Walt Whitman: Poet for a New Age (1971) (Short) - Writer (poetry) Manhatta (1921) (Short) - Writer (intertitle texts) (uncredited) Intolerance (1916) Writer (poem "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking") (uncredited) $386K See all past film & video Past Television (7 titles...
Everywoman's Husband 1918 演员 三剑客 1921 演员 A Noiseless Patient Spider 2009 编剧 Lo que cuento al viento 2008 编剧 美国未完成 1975 编剧 你最喜爱的故事 1953 编剧 Walt Whitman: Poet for a New Age 1971 编剧 A su aire 1974 编剧 > 我来报错 >去 沃尔特·惠特曼 影人页 ©...