Walt Disney Animation Studios’ original action-adventure “Strange World” journeys deep into an uncharted and treacherous land where fantastical creatures await the legendary Clades, a family of explorers whose differences threaten to topple their latest—and by far— most crucial mission. Helmed by ...
This page explores the evolution of the Walt Disney Pictures production logo appearing at the beginning of films released by Walt Disney Pictures. The logo almost always features a fairytale castle directly inspired by Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle
It is, of course, understandable that Disney would want to build upon their biggest success in years, and that a sequel from the usual such avoiding company has been announced even if the actualstory(and therefore surely the very reason any project should actually get made?) seems to be ver...
Recognizing the unique and enduring creative legacy started by Walt Disney, the Walt Disney Archives was established in 1970 to collect, preserve and...
Guests should grab their dinglehoppers and get ready, because it’s time toshell-ebratewith “The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure.” This summer, we’ll all be part of Ariel’s world as the Walt Disney Animation Studios classic “The Little Mermaid” comes to life on stage! We’re...
I don’t remember detail from the film the way I do for 1989’s The Little Mermaid, 1991’s Beauty and the Beast, 1992’s Aladdin, or 1994’s The Lion King. But the song…it has stuck with me over the years. ESPECIALLY in 1999. Graduation year. High school graduation, that is. ...