华特迪士尼动画工作室,Walt Disney Animation Studios,原名Walt Disney Feature Animation。是华特迪士尼公司旗下的一个动画工作室,由华特迪士尼工作室下属。工作室成立于1923年,其主要为华特迪士尼公司制作动画电影、短片以及电视特辑。 这个由华特迪士尼先生本人创办,也是今日娱乐帝国迪士尼公司内最具特色,历史最为悠久的部门...
In addition to the two lands, it was also announced that a newStar Warsexperience will be coming to both locations in early 2016 known as Season of the Force. For Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World, this means a specially themedStar Warsfireworks show and for Disneyland it marks somethi...