— Walt Disney Animation Studios’ original action-adventure “Strange World” journeys deep into an uncharted and treacherous land where fantastical creatures await the legendary Clades, a family of explorers whose differences threaten to topple their latest—and by far— most crucial mission. Helmed ...
Walt Disney created some of the greatest and most advanced technology ever. Much of his Technology is still here today. Until he created Disneyland there were no other theme parks of it’s kind. He didn’t stop there he created Disney World one of the biggest theme parks ever. No matter...
they were accompanied by the Mickey Mouse figure, which was encircled and portrayed in a different color in the animated version. In 1937, “Walt Disney Pictures” was used as a logo. While it’s still applicable in some cases, the designers have made some changes ...
Rockefeller’s agreement with Walt and Roy Disney (Walt’s brother) required the group to complete twelve short films by the end of September 1942, to be shown under the collective titleWalt Disney Sees South America. Disney agreed to include some of his well-known American cartoon characters,...
Bela was such a kind and gentle friend and he was anything but the familiar "Count Dracula" role he embraced and is perhaps best remembered by as he portrayed "Dracula" so convincingly! Virginia Davis McGhee Virginia Davis began working for Walt Disney's Kansas City, Missouri company known ...
Banks character in part on her own father, Travers Goff, portrayed by Colin Farrell in the film Saving Mr. Banks. Did Walt Disney really promise his children he'd turn P.L. Travers book Mary Poppins into a movie? Walt had assured his daughters (pictured above) that their beloved Mary ...
Harrison Ford has portrayed some of the most iconic action heroes to ever burn up the big screen. After appearing in a small but impressive role inAmerican Graffiti(1973), directed by fellow Disney Legend George Lucas, Harrison proved to be perfect for the role of Han Solo, cynical smuggler...