As Walt Disney Animation Studios kicks off its 100-year anniversary celebration, the studio will showcase its past, present, and future throughout D23 Expo 2022. They’ll team up once again with Pixar Animation Studios on the show floor, creating an immersive animation experience for fans. The...
In a move that’s sure to peeve some, Disney has made one extra cartoon, 1995’s Mickey-starrerRunaway Brain, available only as a Disney Movies Anywhere bonus…something that seems to be a growing trend given exclusive deleted scenes and other content being reserved for the digital platform ...
Once Disney started changing the focus of the park from a film and studio production area into a normal theme park, they dropped the name MGM Studios and officially adopted the new name “Hollywood Studios” on January 7, 2008. What is Hollywood Studios Known for? When the park first opened...
Frozenis the seventh Disney-released film to reach $1 billion—and the first for Walt Disney Animation Studios. It has earned $388.8 million domestically, where it is still in the top eight films after 14 weeks of wide release, and $611. 5 million internationally. It will open in its ...
Walt Disney Animation Studios: “Into the Unknown: Making Frozen 2” documentary series showing the hard work and imagination that go into making one of the most highly-anticipated Walt Disney Animation Studios features Pixar Animation Studios: Toy Story-based projects, “Forky Asks a Question”...
In 2018, Disneyland Resort rebranded Paradise Pier as Pixar Pier, a thematic area dedicated to celebrating the beloved characters and stories from Pixar Animation Studios. As a part of this transition, it became evident that the hotel formally known as the Disneyland Pacific Hotel could no longe...
Most Disney fans, like me, are probably a little nostalgic for the belovedOsborne Family Lights– formerly presented at Disney’s Hollywood Studios around this time of year! But take heart, if you are visiting Orlando for the holidays, we have an alternative. I was so thrilled to be invited...
Two Stormtroopers stand watch as Resistance prisoners are moved to their holding cell inside the Rise of the Resistance ride at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. TIM WALTERS/FLORIDA TODAY A horde of storm troopers, standing in formation, most of which are animatronic. This sight alone will bring the...
This plan was all fine and dandy until we logged into My Disney Experience to pick our FastPass+ for Hollywood Studios and ended up coming up empty for Toy Story Mania. There were no more availabilities for us. So our first change of plans came before we even left home and resulted in...
immersed in the most expensive (and ultimately most successful) animated feature the Walt Disney Studios had ever produced. And yet, high as expectations were for “Beast,” the real buzz on the lot seemed to be about Disney’s next animation project. Everyone was already talking about “Aladd...