Because of their size and tusks, walruses only have two natural predators:orcas (killer whales)andpolar bears. However, both predators prefer to attack easier prey like seals. Humans are historically the greatest hunter of the walrus. During the 1700 - 1800s, the Atlantic population of walrus...
2. Walrus tusks can be over 90cm long! Speaking of teeth, walruses have somewhopping canines! Both male and female walruses growlong tusks, which help them adapt to Arctic life. These massive, marine mammals use their tall tusks like ski poles, digging them into sand, snow and ice to h...
Walrus Facts For Kids Walrus is a large marine mammal and it typically waddles on fore and rear flippers on land. Besides, the animal also propels itself by using rear flippers in water.Walruslooks brown with slight hair on its pinkish body. Large tusks are the most prominent features of ...
Walruses are large animals with tusks that live on sea ice and beaches. Keep reading to learn about walruses, like where they live, what they like to eat and how they use those tusks. What is a Walrus? Imagine that you're way up north, near the north pole, and you're floating alo...
Tusk, tusk.(facts about walrus tusks and walrus behavior)
Walrus Tusks Walruses use their iconic long tusks for a variety of reasons, each of which makes their lives in the Arctic a bit easier. They use them to haul their enormous bodies out of frigid waters, thus their “tooth-walking” label, and to break breathing holes into ice from below...
Interesting Facts and Features Walruses are incredibly well adapted to living in some of the coldest regions in the world with thick skin that covers a thick layer of blubber (fat) that helps to keep them warm. Their enormous tusks were originally thought to aid them when feeding but are no...
Walrus, huge, seal-like mammal with long tusks (upper canine teeth) found in the Arctic seas. There are two subspecies: the Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) and the Pacific walrus (O. rosmarus divergens). Male Pacific walrus are slightly larg
WALRUS FACTS The walrus is a huge, flippered marine mammal with large tusks inhabiting the freezing cold icy waters of theArctic Circle. The walrus is the only living species in the familyOdobenidaeand genusOdobenus. Odobenidaeis a family of pinnipeds, commonly known as seals. ...
Walrusesare large, marineanimalswith fins instead of feet, long downward-pointing tusks, and stiff whiskers bristling from their broad upper lips. They live in large herds, and the numbers in which they gather, combined with their strength and their fearsome tusks, mean that all but the most...