The male, which reaches a maximum length and weight of about 3.7 metres (12 feet) and 1,700 kg (3,700 pounds), is about a third larger than the female. walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)In the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), both males and females have tusks. Both sexes possess long tusks (the...
Standard body length ranged from 258 to 380 cm, while curvilinear tusk length ranged from 17 to 65 cm. Immobilized animals were selected for their large size. The sample is therefore biased towards larger animals. Based on regression equations developed for walruses caught in Greenland, the ...
Inside the dentine is a pulp cavity that extends down most of the length of the tusk, narrowing in diameter and finally disappearing towards the tip of the tusk. Other than tusks, the narwhal has no other teeth. Through history the narwhal tusk has been associated with the unicorn and has...
Both sexes possess longtusks(the uppercanineteeth) that project downward from the mouth. In the male they can grow to about a metre in length and 5.4 kg (12 pounds) in weight. The tusks function mainly in mating display and in defense against other walrus. They are not used to dig food...
Male Walruses are almost double the weight of their female counterparts and have much longer tusks which can grow up to a meter in length and are used primarily for fighting with competitors for the most favored breeding sites and the females that reside there. They are known to make a ...
Maze of a Walrus. Big tusks on these friendly creatures. Maze starts in the upper left forner around his right eye and exit of the maze is in the lower right corner right past his blubber and right tusk. This maze goes with themaze of the letter Wfor the kids book, "Learn To A ...
(Odobaenus rosmarus), the only species of the family Odobenidae of the order Pinnipedia. The males are up to 3.7 m long and weigh up to 1.5 tons; the females reach a length of 3.3 m and a weight of 1.1 tons. The skin is thick and folded, particularly on the neck. The hairy ...
A herd is usually segregated by gender, with males and females gathering in their own herds. The dominant males are chosen by age, body size, and tusk length. Walruses can live up to 40 years. INTERESTING FACTS A group of walrus is called a herd or a pod. They gather by the hundreds...
Figure 2.14.Transverse section walrus tusk showing distribution of tissues. The outer ivory is similar to elephant ivory, but the central ivory is marbled and unsuitable for carving. Source: Courtesy of the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons. ...
The length of the tusks in the walruses is similar to the quality of the objective function values of the candidate solutions. Therefore, the best candidate solution with the best value for the objective function is considered the strongest walrus in the group. This search behavior of the ...