The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Walrus (Odobaenus rosmarus), the only species of the family Odobenidae of the order Pinnipedia. The males are up to 3.7 m long and weigh up to 1.5 tons; the females reach a...
(redirected fromwalruses) Thesaurus Encyclopedia wal·rus (wôl′rəs, wŏl′-)·rus·es A large marine mammal(Odobenus rosmarus)of Arctic regions, related to the seals and having two long tusks, tough wrinkled skin, and four flippers. ...
I can tell you that it is bizarre, disturbing, stomach-churning, funny at times, tailor-made for the midnight-movie circuit and just plain weird. From the mind of writer-director Kevin Smith, "Tusk" is a crazed concoction, a kind of horror-comedy combining silliness with a sick and twist...
That script for TUSK that I wrote? We turned into an actual movie that’s coming out this fall from A24. Oddly enough, it’s the best film I’ve ever made (or at the very least, the most interesting). Thank you all for saying #WalrusYes on Twitter last year. Can’t wait to ...