In 1992, Bill Clinton defeated George H.W. Bush in the presidential election. A factor politicians often point to in terms of the victory was a rising unemployment rate. Though gas prices also spiked under Bush's watch, they were on the decline by the election. Clinton used the previous r...
沃尔玛表示,在关闭这269家店的同时,也会在下一财年新开405家店,沃尔玛CEO Neil Saunders强调,关店的营收比例不及全球的1%,仅能说明公司在运营重心上有所改变,将向利润更高地区的Supercenter和Neighborhood Market转移。 即将关闭的实体店列表: ALABAMA: 14331 Count Rd. 99, Headland, AL 18 Apple Way, Ashford, ...
United States Missouri Clinton Walmart Supercenter, 1712 East Ohio Street 事件 报告食品安全问题。 我在举报 恶心 腹泻 呕吐 别的东西 胃痛 发烧 抽筋 寒战 头痛 我想要: 警报卫生部 通知企业 获取案例更新 来自: 我不确定 将其设为私有 立即举报 正如所见:...