更多外文名:Wallace Maynard Cox (本名) IMDb编号:nm0185281 职业:演员 / 配音 关注33人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 威利·考克斯生于密歇根州底特律,曾就读于纽约大学。1948年开始在夜总会当喜剧演员。五十年代,他投身电视界,在出演电视连续剧《皮波尔斯先生》和《海勒姆.霍利德》后,而为广大观众所熟悉。六十年代...
Fireside Theatre1949演员 克拉福特剧院 第一季1947演员 谍网威龙1965演员 胆小狗狗大英雄1964演员 克莱斯勒剧院1963演员 Search1972演员 The Bill Cosby Show1969演员 迷失太空 第一季1965演员 邮寄新娘1970演员 The Lucy Show1962演员 Letter to Loretta1953演员 ...
主演Barbara AndersonGeraldine Brooks雷蒙德·伯尔Wally Cox金·达比 1965 贝德福德军变[演员(饰 Seaman Merlin Queffl)] 导演James B. Harris 主演理查德·韦德马克西德尼·波蒂埃詹姆斯·迈克阿瑟马丁·鲍尔萨姆Wally Cox 剧情英、美1965年以冷战为背景经典黑白战争惊险片 ...
主演 达伦·麦克加文Jo Ann Pflug西蒙·奥克兰斯科特·布兰迪Wally Cox 1972 Once Upon a Mattress[演员(饰 The Jester)] 导演 Ron FieldDave Powers 主演 卡罗尔·博内特肯·巴瑞杰克·吉尔福德Jane WhiteBernadette Peters Magic Carpet[演员(饰 Harold Kane)] 导演 威廉·格莱汉姆 主演 Susan Saint JamesRob...
wallycox网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 wallycox网络考克斯;韦利库斯;约翰·卡拉丹 网络释义 1. 考克斯 ...,交易下的结果就是:马龙白兰度帮一生最好的朋友伟力考克斯(Wally Cox)性爱照片曝光。tieba.baidu.com|基于22个网页 2. 韦利库斯 史家山 Spencer's Mountain - 格林书 -... ... 唐纳克利斯柏 ...
Wally Cox. Elenco: Mister Peepers. Wally Cox nasceu o 6 de dezembro de 1924 em Detroit, Michigan, EUA. Era ator e foi conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Mister Peepers (1952), Vira-Lata (1964) e Something's Got to Give (1962). Foi casado com Patricia Tiernan
Many of those in attendance were never even aware of Brando’s arrival at the wake for his closest friend, actor and comedian Wally Cox. That’s because Brando had crept in through a back window at Cox’s residence and hidden out in the room where Cox had died. Brando “was heartbroken...
Wally Cox Contacts Become a member to see Wally Cox's contact information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Wally Cox(IV) Edit pageAdd to list Track Camera and Electrical Department Overview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Network Clients...
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