DecoRada specializes in installing wallpaper, fabrics and wall coverings for both residential and commercial clients throughout the U.S. as well as having the pleasure of providing wallpaper installation services to the White House. Our professionalism, expertise and commitment to ensuring that your w...
While general maintenance is often easy enough to do on your own, some companies offer wallpaper cleaning services for a more high-level cleaning and inspection. This costs around $0.56 to $0.59 per square foot. Peel-and-Stick Wallpaper vs Regular Peel-and-stick wallpaper is becoming very ...
We have jumped from the industrial stage in growth to sector diversification, nuclear power for sustainable solutions, and selling start-ups to big companies. There is almost a story in every sector and industry to tell of the past 50 years,' says book contributor Salem Ghanem Al-Marri. The...
Benjamin Hubert and his consultancy Layer are no strangers to working on the bleeding edge of industrial design, giving shape to freshly minted visions and helping companies craft and present new services. Concept Level modular router, Layer x Deutsche Telekom (Image credit: Layer Design) From Nio...
When we get on a call ahead of the event’s opening (on 20 April), she’s in Venice, working with a team on the installation. As she speaks, I can sense the excitement in her voice: ‘We are working towards the installation’s completion and it's been going really well....
The inaugural Future Artefacts festival – opening Friday at Shoreditch Studios –is a sprawling showcase for the future of physical media, featuring music, arts, publishing, fashion and tech companies. From algorithmically generated fabric patterns to immersive virtual reality music videos (by way ...