More widgets and wallpaper categories will be added soon. Download the app today and customises Lock Screen in your way. Novedades 9 sept 2023 Versión 1.3 - Minor bug fixes and performance improvements Privacidad de la app Hitendrasinh Gohil, que desarrolló esta app, indicó que entre las pr...
It’s time give the lock screen and home screen of your iPhone or iPad device a fresh and eye-catching look. Tuba Wallpaper is a free live wallpaper app for iOS…
Download 3D Wallpaper Maker and start the photo fun! Express your creativity by adding fabulous frames and lock screen themes! The innumerable possibilities that this free app has will make your home screen or lock screen unique and awesome. First, take a photo, choose a pic from your ...
Crown Lock Screen Wallpaper应用简介 Lock Screen Style for your android phone!Free of charge. Personalisation.It is not just a simple Lock Screen, why? Download and find out!Download Lock Screen Tool:HOMESCREEN - Footer menu - wallpapers - Set - Download Lock Screen Tool - Set Lock Screen ...
Tired of the standard app Wallpapers where all the same? We will find you the Wallpapers individually! Our advantages over other apps: + More than 100 000 Wallpapers. SUPED HD Wallpaper and screensavers + Wallpaper for home screen and lock screen + Section popular around the World + Preview...
ManagerCompat.FLAG_SYSTEM;// } else if (mDestination == DEST_LOCK_SCREEN) { // 锁屏壁纸// whichWallpaper = WallpaperManagerCompat.FLAG_LOCK;// } else { // DEST_BOTH // 桌面壁纸 和 锁屏壁纸// whichWallpaper = WallpaperManagerCompat.FLAG_SYSTEM// | WallpaperManagerCompat.FLAG_LOCK;/...
FlagLock Obsolete. Flag: set or retrieve the lock-screen-specific wallpaper. FlagSystem Obsolete. Flag: set or retrieve the general system wallpaper. WallpaperPreviewMetaData Manifest entry for activities that respond to Intent#ACTION_SET_WALLPAPER which allows them to provide a custom larg...
Wallpaper is the background design on your lock screen or home screen. ForColorOS 13andabove: Go to [Settings] > [Wallpapers & Style] > [Wallpapers] > then choose [Static wallpaper] or [Live wallpapers] or your [Photos]. ForColorOS 11toColorOS 12: Go to [Settings] > [Personalization...
锁屏应用<Lockscreen> 视频桌面<LiveWallpaper> 可交互桌面<CommonWallpaper> 桌面万象小组件(随主题包一起上架) 桌面万象小组件(单独上架) 桌面锁屏联动<globalPersist> 多机型适配 多分辨率机型适配(普通手机、平板、折叠屏) 基础功能 视图 文本<Text> 图片<Image> 动态图片<APNG> 动态图片<Ima...
锁屏应用<Lockscreen> 视频桌面<LiveWallpaper> 可交互桌面<CommonWallpaper> 桌面万象小组件(随主题包一起上架) 桌面万象小组件(单独上架) 桌面锁屏联动<globalPersist> 多机型适配 多分辨率机型适配(普通手机、平板、折叠屏) 基础功能 视图 文本<Text> 图片<Image> 动态图片<APNG> 动态图片<Ima...