Keep your credit cards in the Wallet app. Get access to your credit card's data anytime, anywhere. Your data are stored exclusively on your iPhone and Apple Wa…
The Wallet app lives right on your iPhone. It’s where you securely keep your credit and debit cards, driver’s license or state ID, transit cards, event tickets, keys, and more — all in one place. And it all works with iPhone or Apple Watch, so you can take less with you but ...
Wallet for iOS syncs wirelessly with multiple iOS devices, as well as with Wallet for Mac (sold separately on the Mac App Store). • Sync with Mac and iOS devices anywhere over-the-air using Dropbox or your own WebDAV server • Manually sync with your Mac using Wi-Fi 更多 新内容...
With our wallet money management app you get a live overview of the amount of money you will save at the end of the month if you continue to earn/spend at the proposed rate. We do not collect or share your data nor does the app connect to any of your bank accounts. Your data is ...
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Forget cards or cash—just scan to pay with the app. Exclusive deals from PayPal Learn more about the deals and offers you get access to when you shop in the app. Terms apply. Send money at the speed of life It’s fun, fast, and secure. At home or on the go. ...
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1.2.1、任一旅行app买好机票——提前24/48小时在航旅纵横app上值机选座——点击添加登机牌到“Wallet”。 1.2.2、起飞前几小时会自动固定在锁屏界面——直接点击即可查看,无需再打开任何app——安检扫码后会出现【“安检验讫”】的椭圆章——至此上机前的扫码都用这个码。