Find the image you want to use as the new login screen wallpaper, open it with Preview, and convert it to a PNG file by using “Save As” or “Export As” – the filemustbe a PNG document Return to the OS X Finder and make 4 (yes, four) copies of the PNG file, rename the ...
Firewalldworks great withIPv4,IPv6,andEthernet bridgestoo. We can have a separate run-time and permanent configuration in firewalld. Let’s get started on how to work with zones and create our own services and much more exciting usage offirewalldin Linux. Our Testing Environment Operating S...
If you want to try making your own, or you want the t-shirt pattern without the shadow, this is the 256×256 tiling texture image that Apple uses on, which is then given a giant box shadow to render the background:
I like the tiling image of sky from example #3.. Reply Agus MU Oct 20, 2008 at 4:31 am in the past, i learned about this form your iTheme wordpress theme. Great Job Nick!!! Reply taufiq Oct 20, 2008 at 4:41 am omg, i’m so waiting to get your new post, and now,...
If you want to try making your own, or you want the t-shirt pattern without the shadow, this is the 256×256 tiling texture image that Apple uses on, which is then given a giant box shadow to render the background: