重ね壁に[壁を追加/削除]オプションを使用すると、「重大なエラーが発生しました。選択した壁の造作材に重ね壁を追加することはできません。 ステータス:このインシデントは、次の更新プログラムで解決されています...
I have a gable roof above a wall, with a wall sweep cornice that wraps around the wall, and then a roof fascia coming down the rake of the gable and dying into the wall sweep. I have had this condition on other projects and the fascia and wall sweep wou
To add a sweep to the wall type In the Edit Assembly dialog, click Sweeps. In the Wall Sweeps dialog, click Add. Click in the Profile column, and select a profile from the drop-down. Specify a material for the sweep. For Distance, specify the distance from either the top or ba...
Utilizzare un tipo di muro senza una definizione di sweep. Vedere anche:Il pilastro non viene visualizzato come previsto in una vista di pianta del pavimento di Revit. ID incidente:189004 Queste informazioni sono state utili? SìNoHai bisogno ...
Revit Mararishi Join Date 2002-02 Location St. Louis, MO Posts 4,695 Login to Give a bone 0 Re: Wall sweeps in front of windows Make sure the sweep profile's origin isn't at the edge of the opening - this will cause it to break. The most flexible place for the origin is...
Set the sweep material to be transparent (to give the impression of a reveal in 3D). Position the outer face of the sweep just outside the external face of the wall. Under Object Styles, create a new wall subcategory, call it Wall - Reveal. In the properties of the wall sweep, cha...