聊聊北美reddit"投资"论坛WallStreetBets,和一年半210倍回报的北美投资神人由Neigeplz 发表在股票区 最近虎扑上的股民也变得越来越多了,作为一个身在北美的股市小白,我本人也本着学习的目的往返于虎扑和reddit的各种论坛。 今天想跟大家聊聊r/WallStreetBets,分享一个我自己觉得很离谱又很热血的散户对抗机构的故事。
作者: 做美股,逛reddit上的wallstreetbets,是我的一个很大乐趣来源。wallstreetbets这帮人,借着美国经济热、流动性充足、股市屡创新高,赌性坚强,起手汹涌澎湃,扎堆豪赌不带一丝掩饰。挺有意思的一个赌博社区。其座右铭:核战其实也可以是个利好。 也有很多时候会看到,有点看不懂的神操作: 这哥们卖出了ITM的特斯拉...
WallStreetBets,这是一个reddit的分区,大意为“华尔街赌场”。可想而知来这个论坛的各位网友都不是信奉理性和价值投资的角色。而是把股市当赌场,幻想用自己的梭哈单车变摩托的赌徒。以下简称WSB。WSB的众网友们梦想是过上华尔街之狼中小李子那样的生活。 O网页链接 ...
Subreddit r/WallStreetBets has been the talk of the Internet this week, as its members have driven GameStop’s stock pricesfrom around $20 to over $300. The community brands itself as “like 4chan found a Bloomberg Terminal,” and as time has gone on, it’stargeted other unlikely stock...
But WallStreetBets appears to remain the nexus of the unusual market activity. Membership of the Reddit group has grown rapidly in the past two weeks. As of Monday morning, the Reddit forum had nearly 8 million members, up from around 2 million just two weeks ago....
Video The Claman Countdown March 04, 2021 04:59 CLIP Reddit’s WallStreetBets founder: Would’ve never imagined GameStop stock frenzy could happen Jaime Rogozinski on founding Reddit’s WallStreetBets Facebook Twitter Email Copy to clipboard ...
Wallstreetbets论坛的创始人Jaime Rogozinski已于2月15日本周三正式起诉论坛所属平台Reddit,称Reddit在2020年逼迫他辞去该论坛版主的身份涉嫌合同违约,并可能侵犯了他个人对Wallstreetbets论坛的商标权。据Jaime Rogozinski称,他于2012年在Reddit平台创建了Wallstreetbets分论坛,目的是找到“更大胆和更活泼的地方”谈论...
"Wallstreetbets" Reddit chat room, where retail investors marshal against short sellers, briefly went private on Wednesday evening, limiting access to outsiders. The community gathered an army of rookie day traderswho go after heavily shorted stocks,pushing share prices highe...
Reddit, the social-media platform that is home to WallStreetBets and other forums, confidentially has filed for an initial public offering. In a statement, Reddit said “the number of shares to be offered and the price range for the proposed offering have not yet been determined. The...