Coastway银行(CWAY)28.230.00% https://swaggystocks.com/dashboard/wallstreetbets/ticker-sentiment
早在去年 7 月,WallStreetBets 社区就有一个 ID 名为 DeepFuxxxValue(简称 DFV)的人发现 GME 股票被严重过度做空,有轧空风险,所以他投了 5 万美元买入 GME 的股票和长期期权,当时 GME 股价只有 4 刀,社区里大部分人对 DFV 的观点都是持嘲笑的态度; 后来随着 GME 不断走高,再加上 GME 内部改革、Citron...
聊聊北美reddit"投资"论坛WallStreetBets,和一年半210倍回报的北美投资神人由Neigeplz 发表在股票区 最近虎扑上的股民也变得越来越多了,作为一个身在北美的股市小白,我本人也本着学习的目的往返于虎扑和reddit的各种论坛。 今天想跟大家聊聊r/WallStreetBets,分享一个我自己觉得很离谱又很热血的散户对抗机构的故事。
A team of researchers has extensively analyzed discussions on /r/wallstreetbets from November 27, 2020 through February 3, 2021, finding that it took only a few dedicated individuals to trigger a behavioral cascade that resulted in an unprecedented s... Reddit finance technology science GameStop ...
WallStreetBets moderators had warned of crypto scams in their name yet scammers were still able to trick users into sending $2 million in Binance Coin (BNB). byHabiba Rashid May 8, 2021 Subscription Form Email Address* Name IPVanish
WallStreetBets,这是一个reddit的分区,大意为“华尔街赌场”。可想而知来这个论坛的各位网友都不是信奉理性和价值投资的角色。而是把股市当赌场,幻想用自己的梭哈单车变摩托的赌徒。以下简称WSB。WSB的众网友们梦想是过上华尔街之狼中小李子那样的生活。 O网页链接 ...
https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/ 2.可以通过FX123财经导航收录的网址详情页进入 https://www.fx123.com/class/1715.html 我们在详情页都会对网站做一个相关的报道以及介绍,你可以在进入该网站前就可以对该论坛有个大概了解,更方便检索和使用。
做美股,逛reddit上的wallstreetbets,是我的一个很大乐趣来源。wallstreetbets这帮人,借着美国经济热、流动性充足、股市屡创新高,赌性坚强,起手汹涌澎湃,扎堆豪赌不带一丝掩饰。挺有意思的一个赌博社区。其座右铭:核战其实也可以是个利好。 也有很多时候会看到,有点看不懂的神操作: ...
The company attracted the attention of the WallStreetBets community due to: 1) Large short interest (nearly 40% of shares are short) 2) Meme name (Rocket Companies, Inc.) Over the past few days, mountains of out-of-the-money calls were purchased. This was lighting the fuse for the mov...