This boy I know, he has a heart of glassIt is gold inside but it has crystalizedIt is beautiful but in its tragedyIt is hard to hold without shatteringHe calls himself at night, softly over chordsKeeps coming back to it his voice in echo chordsTill the sound's so thick it turns the...
最后的短句序列,在最后两个突兀的(abrupt)句子中达到高潮(culminating),包括“the mark”,再次使人有联想的音乐效果:其中(贝多芬(Beethoven)的一种技巧)重复的短语或和弦(chords)的振动的(convulsive)序列,部分重复较早的主题,将一部作品推向高潮。尽管在Woolf的作品中看到这样的音乐类比很诱人(Tempting),但这里的类比...
Writings On The Wall WRITING'S ON THE WALL - SAM SMITH (BOND THEME) YouTube video here: CHORDS Emadd9 Gmaj7 Cmaj7 B7 Em G Em(2) ___ _x___ x___ ___ ___ ___ xx___ ||| ||| ||| ||♦||| ||| ||| ||| |♦♦...
34. Acapella with Family– If you’re not much of a singer, then use your vocal chords to add a beat to the background while the rest of your family does the singing for you! Add some friends to the choir, the more the merrier! 35. Website for Mom– Many moms are scared of tec...
It’s an appropriate enough use of the music—2001’s monoliths oversee (and supposedly trigger) several leaps in mankind’s evolution, so it’s entirely valid to hear those famous chords when the captain makes his first steps (even though this is technically a regression, not an evolution)...
Standard Midi File Properties Standard GM1 File format MIDI TYPE 0 File size 1.63 KB Duration 03:53 BPM 140 Tracks 1 【调教用】Glass Wall.mid MIDI download Channels and Instruments Used 1 channel, 1 instrument 1 Acoustic Grand Piano 223 notes/chords,avg. pitch B4 Program ID: ...