它渴望爱情,相信爱情。那段它照顾机器人Eva 的片段让我记忆犹新。他帮她撑伞,他和她一起泛舟,一起看日出,他给她做机器人礼物... 不离不弃,直到地老天荒。 觉得Wall.E 和Eva 两个机器人之间的爱情太美了,单纯美好,不离不弃,无论遇到什么困难,我都会支持你,这才是爱情。给我印象深刻的场景是他们俩在浩瀚...
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Although WALL-E commonly mispronounces EVE's name, there are some rare instances of him pronouncing her name correctly. That being 'Eve', instead of 'Eva'. This page usesCreative Commons Licensedcontent from thePixar Wiki. The list of authors can be seen in the page revision history (view...
Fixing Wall-E Rogue Robots March of the Gels Tilt The Holo-Detector Hyperjump Desperate Eve Static It Only Takes a Moment - Michael Crawford Down to Earth - Peter Gabriel Horizon 12.2 喜欢听"Wall-E Original Score"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· UP 8.7 Toy Story 3 7.9 How To Train Your Dra...
Working to Dig You OutBuy n Large's WALL-E sponsor slogan WALL- E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth-Class, with the formal designation N. 62675) is the titular protagonist of the 2008 Disney/Pixar animated feature film of the same name. He is the las
Alberte Albertina Albertine Alberto Albin Albina Albrecht Alcee Alcida Alcide Alcides Alcon Alda Aldamer Aldana Alden Alder Alderic Aldi Aldin Aldo Aldona Aldren Aldzen Aleah Alec Alee Aleesha Aleesys Aleezy Aleida Aleigh Aleigha Alejandra Alejandro Alejo Alek Aleka Aleks Aleksandar Aleksander ...
but nothing really great. The second time, I realized how awesome and amazing it really was. The apocalyptic world is incredibly well made and interesting, along with the robots and fat baby people. The villain, AUTO, was just great, along with Wall-E and EVA. The movie has a beauty to...
Product material ABS,PA6,PA66,PP,PC,TPU,POM,PBT,PVC,TPE,TPV,TPO,TPR,EVA,LDPE etc. Cavity Single-cavity, Multi-cavity, or by request. Runner system Cold runner or Hot runner. Mould precision ±0.01mm. Mould Life 50-100 million shots. Software CAD, PRO-E, UG, Rhin...
Eggman Movers, from 2008’s WALL·E. Eggman Movers, from 1995’s Toy Story. The presence of a Buy n Large–branded bank means Buy n Large–branded banknotes, which are unusual for being strewn across the floor of the deserted city. If you look closely at the notes, you’ll see that...
but nothing really great. The second time, I realized how awesome and amazing it really was. The apocalyptic world is incredibly well made and interesting, along with the robots and fat baby people. The villain, AUTO, was just great, along with Wall-E and EVA. The movie has a beauty to...