Pixel-perfect Interactive experience for Tiles Experience the extraordinary with Bonzer7 floor and wall tiles! Dive into an exhilarating journey through our world, guided by PIXL 360, the cutting-edge Dynamic 360° Tile Visualizer, powered by Augmented Reality technology. Immerse yourself in the ...
5、Silk – Interactive Generative Art 无聊的时候可以自己画一画 6、Amazing maze 一个自动生成迷宫的壁纸,如果放音乐的话,颜色会跟着变化,挺不错的 7、VU Meter 也是一款音频响应的壁纸,适合在放音乐的时候用 8、Play of the game/overwatch d.va(1080p 60fps) 9、Reimu 灵梦(1080P 60FPS)重置版 10、...
This company is an Easter-egg reference to WALL·E production designer Ralph “Eggman” Eggleston, and it shares the name of the moving company from 1995’s Toy Story, for which Ralph was art director. Eggman Movers, from 2008’s WALL·E. Eggman Movers, from 1995’s Toy Story. The pres...
Privacy Policy: http://fishy-puppet-bb8.notion.site/c6e3c93dc5e84181b458cde73baeba90 User Agreement: http://fishy-puppet-bb8.notion.site/52d40b106ec141f680de53c0018413c8 više Novosti Povijest verzija Verzija 1.0.3 Long time no see! Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2025! Here...
entrance of the optic canal, and pterygopalatine fossa14. The outline of herniated orbital fat at the fracture site was adopted as a margin of the orbital tissue model. Every pixel outside these landmarks and outline was erased, including pixels in the supraorbital notch and infraorbital groov...
Eva Jul 21, 2008 at 7:26 am Good to know! Thanks for the information; I had no clue about a lot of things… Reply Jonas Jul 23, 2008 at 2:52 pm Thanks! Great post. I bookmark this for my clients when he ask me to make a splash screen for a new site!! Reply Andrei...
The ground was covered with black EVA foam mats to absorb the NIR light from the cameras and the sun. The area around the markers was also covered with black eva foam. With this, the OptiTrack system self-reported its precision as between 0.2mm and 10mm per object, varying with the ...
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Displacement of of Wall Section A Observed Failure Mode of Wall NSoencetion A NonNeone NonNeone NonNeone Section B Observed Failure Mode of Wall NonSeection B Translation FNorowneard RotationTr(atnilstlaftoiornwFaorrdw)ard OverturnRinotgat(idonee(tpiltsfeoartwedar)d) Control Points (cm) Av...
lloddreepcpheeannnddgeeenncrceeespoofofncscoeololoorfrcthchheaancngogaeetirnergespsopononnssheseeoaofrfmththaegecncoiotauatidtniengganoondnisthsshedeaiarrremcmtiaoagngnnriteiutluadtdeievaeantndodtihtisetsoddbirisereecrctvitoeionr:n breroeltalhatitqvivueeatnotottihttiheeesoovbbasesryervravece...