这座横跨哈德逊河由废弃高价铁路改造而成的高架人行天桥是世界上最长的人行天桥之一!长度约2062米,距河面212英尺高。在桥上可以俯瞰哈德逊河及两岸美景~“看万山红遍、层林尽染”去哈德逊秋游计划 【哈德逊河人行天桥 Walkway Over the Hudson】河人行天桥的交通相对方便,坐火车到Poughkeepsie站,下来走一小段路就到...
The Movies Under The Walkway Facebook page recently announced that movie nights will be back for the 2024 summer season. Three free, family-friendly movies will be shown on the big screen beneath the Walkway Over the Hudson at the Upper Landing Park in Poughkeepsie, this summer, presented by ...
On Thursday around 1:30 pm., the City of Poughkeepsie Police Department received a call for an erratic vehicle attempting to run people over in the area of 52 Gifford Avenue. 52 Gifford Avenue is within walking distance to the Walkway Over the Hudson as well as the popular Lola's Cafe, ...
秋游计划 【哈德逊河..这座横跨哈德逊河由废弃高价铁路改造而成的高架人行天桥是世界上最长的人行天桥之一!长度约2062米,距河面212英尺高。在桥上可以俯瞰哈德逊河及两岸美景~“看万山红遍、层林尽染”去哈德逊河人行天桥的交通