Once you enter, you'll notice you can now use Rock Smash to take a new path down, but briefly take a detour back to the Fisherman's house on this route and get the Old Rod first. Once obtained, retrace your steps back to the top of the path and use Rock Smash to take the new...
The rift begins to pulsate as a being not of this world steps forth! Glimmerscale likes to either focus one of your characters or hit them all for less damage. If you can afford the mana, then use a mass-heal with your healer every turn even if everyone is full health. Glimmerscale ...
Perhaps the simplest way to navigate is to stay close to one side of the area, navigating up steps and blockades, engaging enemies as the player sees fit. You will encounter a narrowed pass half way through the area, and finally a long staircase to the next area, the Frigid Highlands. ...
A Small Carbon Footprint Take less than 14,000 steps during one playthrough. Complete Vermin Extermination Destroy every Mr. Raccoon bobblehead. Frugalist Finish any scenario without using a recovery item. Minimalist Finish any scenario without opening an item box. A Vault-like Mind Open a portab...
Fallout 76 Review Unique weapons Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding unique (legendary) weapon: […] General Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3) ...
Article 12/09/2009 This scenario guide outlines the steps to install and configure the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 operating system as a file, print, and Web server in a Windows NT® 4.0-based network. Specifically, it focuses on how to plan and deploy basic file, print, and Web ser...
The scribe asks you to pick up a salve from the pharmacist that will ease his discomfort – you can conveniently find this next door, where it's on sale for 40 Groschen. After the scribe's speedy recovery, follow him to a previously locked room where you're given access to the chronicl...
Go up the steps and crush the wall on the right. Crush the wall after that too. Jump to the far ledge then turn around and pepper the .: PIG SNOUT 2/15 :. which will raise up a platform which you can use to reach a .: MEMORY 1/15 :.. Go back out and use the mushroom ...
Frugalist (30 points): Complete the game without using a recovery item. Minimalist (30 points): Clear the game without opening the item box. A Small Carbon Footprint (30 points): Take 14000 steps or fewer in one playthrough. Additionally, there are 15 secret achievements: ...
When the training flag is set to TRUE, the algorithm uses a different division of heart rate intervals than the non-training regime. All other steps are equivalent. During trainig the values of heart beats are expected to be higher than the interval distribution of non-training conditions. Also...