Target expert support Answer it Q: If there are no ports how does it charge? submitted bydave h - 1 year ago A:Hi dave h, thanks for reaching out about Sony NW-WS623 Sports Walkman Wearable Bluetooth Digital Music Player. Connect the USB cable (supplied) to the USB cradle (supplied)...
Configured with: /home/tcwg-buildslave/workspace/tcwg-make-release/label/docker-trusty-amd64-tcwg-build/target/arm-linux-gnueabihf/snapshots/gcc-linaro-4.9-2017.01/configureSHELL=/bin/bash --with-mpc=/home/tcwg-buildslave/workspace/tcwg-make-release/label/docker-trusty-amd64-tcwg-build/target/arm...
The unit also comes with a USB cable, software CD, an armband, and a pair of Sony MDR-J011 Clip-On headphones. The headphones are nearly identical to Sony’s MDR-J11G Sports Clip-On headphones (which I happen to have). The MDR-J011 included headphones has a straight style ...
最后,记住这货是 “便携、纯音、hi-res” sony对自己的定位很清晰 有人会问:“一个纯音播放器都快2k了还入门,sony是怎么想的” 对比10年前国人收入和sony便携cd的价格,再看看现在其实也可以理解sony为毛要把这货定位入门级了,估计日后64G价格会在1300左右。题外话:sony这次的Walkman目标超明确...