Jesus told a parable(Luke 18:10-13)of two men that went to the place of worship to pray, one was full of self, the other man was full of self assessment and recognition of self-emptiness and strong need for help from God. Obviously, the Spirit of God was present to speak to both ...
The more I look at it, the more convinced I become. I am referring to the portion of the Megiddo mosaic with the “to God Jesus Christ” inscription (see “Recent Discovery: Earliest Inscription Declaring Jesus to be God!”), more specifically the second line of it: You do not need to...
Thank you, Lord, for the confidence that whether we wake or sleep we look forward to uninterrupted fellowship with you. Lessen our attachment to our physical bodies. Lessen our fear of death, so that we might live fully now in you! In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. Key Verses "Therefore...
When we choose to trust Jesus with our lives, God sees us as one of his beloved children. When we focus too much on what others think of us, or what Satan says about us, maybe the story of Job will remind us to ask God what he thinks*. That’s all that matters really. ” . ...
I never completely understood that verse and, maybe I still don’t, but could it be that Jesus was saying (and this is consistent with other teachings of his) that living by the Spirit means we are no longer deeply attached to things of this world? Instead, we are more spiritually-minde...
Spend Good Friday With Jesus Featured by Karen Twinem Experience Awe This Lent Featured by Karen Twinem Fridays in Lent Featured by Karen Twinem Celebrate Ash Wednesday at Home Featured by Karen Twinem How Do You Want to Spend Lent? Featured by Karen Twinem Three Vows for Ordinary ...
Jesus Christ is Lord. This truth provides us with things that can never be taken away. We know that in Jesus Christ alone forgiveness of sin and eternal life is found. We know that Christ has overcome the grave (Acts 2:23-24) and the world (John 16:33). In Christ, death is defeat...
s plan not the problems. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray he taught us that prayer not only provides us with perspective but that it should prioritize our lives according to God’s plan.“‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on ...
But this woman…this woman seemed not to care about trouble. This woman seemed to want a revolution. And she knew that the revolution started with Jesus and His cross. And she shouted it over that room. Shouted it at all of us.
The ultimate solution to crime is a belief in the Gospel, or the Good News of Jesus Christ, and a necessary prerequisite to that is an honest appraisal of one’s sinful heart before a holy, just God. Herein lies a significant problem in Japan with the word tsumi. Very few Japanese are...