In her devotional Bible study, she walks moms through eleven weeks of daily reflections that will shape a busy mom’s heart to trust in God. Along the way she shares wisdom and tips from her own experience. Key memory verses, certain to transform hearts, are given for both moms and their...
meaning of consecration and initiation, suggesting first the thought that he who bore that name was to be one of God's consecrated ones, "a priest unto God," and next that, as a priest, he was to be introduced into the spiritual temple, to be allowed to see and know what the outer ...
He recommends using Bible verses in breath prayers. One of Gaultiere’s suggestions that I love is asking God a question first. Then do a breath prayer to “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” You can find Bible verses that meet your needs in “The Bible Promise Book,” which ...
It is enough to make one nervous about conclusions with too much crammed into them. But this is not always fair. Take our book, 1 Thessalonians. Here in the final verses of chapter 5, Paul puts so much into this that it sounds like one of those commercials. Herschel Hobbs said of our...
What does it tell us about God’s provision when we read that he takes his sheep to green pastures and still waters? What does it mean to have God restore our souls? Think about these things for a while. What do these verses say to you?
Paul has already introduced resurrection a few verses previously at 4:14. Paul taught the Corinthians about resurrection bodies extensively in a previous letter, especially:"For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been ...
Would you like God to be gracious to you? To lead you? To teach you truth? If we love him, we want that, right? The Bible is filled with verses that tell us the path to these blessings is for us to keep God in the front of our thoughts all the time. Here are just two exampl...
All these beverages come with a promise to increase energy, focus and improve performance. Considering the chronic state of tiredness that seems to be common for many in Japan, it is no surprise that one of the most popular Bible verses frequently featured by churches in their bulletins, web...
God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy” (1 Pet. 2:9–10 Legacy Standard Bible). Francis Schaeffer commenting on these verses explains, “This passage says that in this present life, Christians are called for a purpose, called to show forth the praises of God....
Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among those (anthrōpos) with whom he is pleased (eudokia)! In short, nobody quite seems to know what the relationship between “men” (or “those” or “people”) and “good will” (or “pleased”) should be!