Walking the Streets of Moscow(1964) Boris Balakin Taksist (as B. Balankin) Zhivyot takoy paren(1964) Vladimir Basov Poloter u pisatelya (as V. Basov) Metel(1965) Boris Bityukov Petrovich - otets Alyony (as B. Bityukov) A Big Family(1954) ...
This article examines Georgii Daneliia's 1964 film Walking the Streets of Moscow through its focus on space, movement and the built environment. A primary concern of the film, the article argues, is to explore the idea of a dialogical interaction between bodies and urban space, specifically ...
The speed of our return was also of course due to a few miracles of modern travel. On May 1, when we took a bus from London to Paris, which included crossing the English Channel on a ferry, the trip took ten hours. On the 11th, we returned by train through the “Chunnel,” and ...