Introduction The Shuttle Walking Test (SWT) has been previously shown to correlate well with patients' maximal oxygen uptake (VO 2 max) [ 1 – 3 ]. Older and colleagues demonstrated that an anaerobic threshold of 911 ml/min/kg, in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery, was an excellent...
This study compared exercise intensity, oxygen uptake and gait efficiency when active traumatic transfemoral amputees used a SACH foot or a Flex-Foot(R) attached below a hydraulic knee joint. The five male subjects completed two test sessions, one with each foot, one week apart. They walked ...
Walking is the most sustainable voluntary physical activity and has no learning requirements. As walking accounts for a large proportion of lifetime physical activity, it may be particularly important with respect to the benefits of increased physical activity. For example, both aerobic walking and ...
Oxygen and carbon dioxide consumption data were recorded using a portable respirometer (K5, COSMED, Italy), and the net metabolic cost was deduced using Péronnet's and Massicotte’s formula53. To establish a baseline, participants were instructed to breathe normally for a 3 min period while ...
The fNIRS signal reflecting the changes of blood oxygen concentration in brain tissue is different from EEG signal directly reflecting the activity of neurons. Therefore, the effectiveness of SRC for fNIRS-BCI needs to be further experimentally verified. In the study, using SRC to classify HbO ...
Moreover, the gait characteristics and frictional requirements were measured by using GRFz and GRFy forces, to maintain balance and finding differences between walking up and down an incline. Walking down an incline is much riskier for the occurrences of slipping events than walking up. During ...
The low force and small power requirements identified in the optimal assistance profile are important aspects for a wearable assistive device to be used in a real-world, community setting: (i) a lightweight actuator minimizes the metabolic penalty to carry the additional weight of the device, (...
The energy expenditure was calculated in Watts by passing the recorded oxygen and carbon dioxide values from each breath into the Brockway equation [40]. The ground truth energy expenditure value for each condition was found by averaging over all breaths during the last two minutes of recorded ...
Rates of oxygen consumption O2 : Rate of carbon dioxide production References Bai Y, Welk GJ, Nam YH, Lee JA, Lee JM, Kim Y, Meier NF, Dixon PM (2016) Comparison of consumer and research monitors under semistructured settings. Med Sci Sport Exer 48(1):151–158 Article Google Scholar...
During PW, the average oxygen uptake, heart rate, and caloric expenditure are higher than for walking at the same speed [21–23]. Importantly, these additional benefits are achieved without significantly increased perceived exertion [22, 24–26]. Evidence of a reduction in knee joint loading ...