Walking Tall: Directed by Kevin Bray. With Dwayne Johnson, Johnny Knoxville, Neal McDonough, Kristen Wilson. A former U.S. soldier returns to his hometown to find it overrun by crime and corruption, which prompts him to clean house.
None of this makes for a very interesting movie, and it doesn’t help that the flick rushes through things so rapidly that it totally avoids depth or detail.Talldoesn’t even reach the 90-minute mark, which makes it awfully short. It tosses out any form of character exposition or fleshed...
See Walking Tall's production, company, and contact information. Explore Walking Tall's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
Byline: with JOE RILEYLiverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)
Walking Tall/威震八方 玩wwe的改行拍电影就是好,他们的身体比搞健美的更灵巧,比搞健身的更有力量,并且对于动作场面轻车熟路,实在是太抢镜头了,这部电影也是rock一个人的show。在其他方面,影片毫无建树,因此豆瓣上只有一个人看过,imdb上也只有5.9的低分。豆瓣上这部片子同名的一共有两部,imdb上也是,看来是...
《Walking T..片名:Walking Tall 译名:威震八方导演:凯文·布瑞Kevin Bray 原著:蒙特·布瑞斯金 Mort Briskin 编剧:大卫·李韦恩 D
《威震八方2 Walking Tall: The Payback》于2007-02-13上映。是由Tripp Reed执导, 演员Kevin Sorbo, Yvette Nipar主演的《威震八方2 Walking Tall: The Payback》是一部动作类型电影。 故事发生在美国的一个小镇。当地居民本来过着平静简单的日子,然而恶霸哈维却带着一班黑社会分子在镇上胡作非为,无恶不作,而且...
“【4】” said the tall man. “You have been under arrest (被捕), silly Bob. Also, here’s a note from Officer Wells.”Bob,I was at the place on time. When you lit your cigar, I saw the face of the wanted man in Chicago. Somehow, I couldn’t do it myself, so I left ...
The tall ship Lynx, an 1812 privateer, sails past the Brant Point Lighthouse, Nantucket, second oldest lighthouse in America, first built in 1746 © Karen Rubin/ goingplacesfarandnear.com by Karen Rubin and Martin D. Rubin Travel Features Syndicate, goingplacesfarandnear.com Nantucket, a ...
But the maximum extended length is only 130cm, which isn't ideal for tall hikers, so we'd happily trade some compactness for more length. We also like the integrated Velcro straps in the handle, which keep the folded sections together very neatly when not in use. Although reasonably basic,...