Some time ago, I fell in with a posse who thrived doing some downright unseemly acts on the reg. I looked the other way. I placed value on order and safety above all other things, but I soon realized that I wasn't the one swinging the bat, I nevertheless
This simple statement opened up for me a whole realm of ideas which led to a firm belief that human intelligence need recognize no bounds;that through the use of our intelligence we will move progressively close to an understanding of man and of the universe around us;that this knowledge will...
Also called zhi dao or “direct path,” it was the first government highway built in China. Its purpose remains obscure, but historians believe that its remarkably straight construction, still walkable along the tops of remote ridgelines, was primarily for defense against nomad invasions. “It w...
Great ideas and snowy days In the movie, “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” there’s a repeated line from Robert Redford playing the Sundance Kid. He says, “You just keep thinkin’ Butch. That’s what you’re good at.” I have to say I relate to Butch Cassidy. I have a lot...
Only since John Avebury had the wit to show Charles II around 'that stupendous antiquity' in 1663 has the stone circle been appreciated for what it is: the largest of its kind in the country, and with a tremendous approach. Indeed, is there any finer prehistoric path in England than the...
英语-中文正在建设中 walking名— 步行名 · 行走名 拐 cane名— 甘蔗名 · 拐杖名 · 芦苇名 · 拐扙名 cane— 杖 · 手杖 · 藤 · 枴 · 拐棍 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量
My husband up & walked out on me 15 yrs ago…i have a medical condition which limits somethings i can & can’t do. I want to get away from this negative energy but i have nowhere else to go. I wish there was a place a 64 yr old smart pretty lady could go….have any ideas?
“Pilgrimage is metaphor for the path to enlightenment, the slowest most meditative form of travel, where you experience unexpected encounters with strangers, gain a deeper perspective of place, where question our place in the world.” (I must confess these thoughts came to me on my Inca Trail...
Time and time again, Scripture teaches us that God delights in guiding us along a determined path that will provide us blessing and safety from evil, both in this life and in the world to come. As one travels the world, it is interesting to note the variety and disparity of rules that...
The thing is, many new age ideas deny the reality of pain, discomfort, of darkness and of difficulty. Life is not sweetness and light all the time. So I wish cherish this experience and let it work through me. If I get to go back, I will walk in the water but I doubt I will ...