Purification Plant Quint Materials Company Road Base Quarry Reeton Healthcare Clinic Rendezvous Cabin Rendon Equipment Sales Richard's Cache Richford Community Royal Cinema Savior Clearing Savior Compound Saviors' Roadblock Scorpion's Tail Restaurant & Beer Shriver State Park The Gold 99's Campsite ...
Iris. 快走 Go 快点 Comeon! 让开我叫你让开 Move!Isaidmove. 看来你妈妈没看错你 Guessyourmotherwasrightaboutyou. 我妈妈和这件事无关 Mymothersgotnothingtodowiththis. 你要对我开枪的话早就开了 Ifyouweregonnashootme,youwouldhavedoneitbynow. ...
前情提要 Previouslyon"thewalkingdead:Worldbeyond"... 我们知道毒气在哪里 Weknowwherethegasis. 所以我们要毁掉毒气吗? So,wedestroythegas? 你是想逃脱吗? You'retalkingaboutanescape? 贝尔沙博士不是死于实验室意外 Dr.Belshawwasn'tkilledinalaboratoryaccident. ...
Day 3: Iris Burn Hut to Moturau Hut (16.2km, 5-6hrs) Day 4: Moturau Hut to Rainbow Reach (6.0km, 1.5-2hrs), then to the Control Gates (9.5km, 2.5-3.5hrs)You can exit the track from either Rainbow reach or the Control Gates. Contact Information Email: fiordlandvc@doc.govt.nz,...
Iris... 不可能 It'snotpossible. 我们之前见过他失控 We'veseenhimloseitbefore. 他喝醉了晕过去了 Hewasdrunk.Blackedout. 他醒来时浑身是血 Hewokeupcoveredinblood. 是他们的血 Theirblood-- 他可能像我们一样意外发现了他们 Hecould'vestumbledonthemjustlikeus. ...
peonies and iris. Nature’s aromatherapy. There is something about the scents of the seasons that go beyond associated memories. The scents of nature are their own language to our souls. Spring brings forth sensuality, peace and healing to the heart and while lifting the mind to generate a ...
341 – Walkin’ Daddy – Iris DeMent 342 – Atomic Dog – George Clinton 343 – It’s Raining In Here – Adam Elk 344 – That Lovin’ You Feelin’ Again – Emmylou Harris & Roy Orbison 345 – Didn’t Leave Nobody But The Baby – Emmylou Harris, Alison Krauss & Gillian Welch ...
Eventheairisalien. 超过三份之一是氧气 Overathirdisoxygen. 是地球史上,含氧量最高的时期 Muchhigherthanatanytimeinhistory. 大气层内,丰富的氧气 Thisoxygenrichatmospherehasfuelledthegrowthofnew, 有助超巨型的节肢动物生长 supersizedArthropodpredators. ...
Iris. Do you trust me or not? 信任 Yes. 那就好 Good. 我得把对讲机关了 等安全了再开 I'm gonna have to turn off my walkie until it's safe. 与此同时 In the meantime, 你必须严格按我说的去做 you're gonna do exactly as I'm telling you to do. 明白吗 Got it?