One saving grace of this stop was that we had left halfway bags here, either booking through the extras or in Rob’s car, and although it was cold and we had no way of getting properly dry, having a change of clothes – dry ones at that – did us a world of good. Well, some...
What occurs within this process is that no matter what the situation may be that has occurred in our past, we must move forward with more Ease and Grace as we step into a new experience of our Soul’s Essence to be realized within ourselves. ...
Lately, I have been struggling to come to grips with the ongoing reports of warfare in Eastern Europe, the increasing death toll of civilians trapped in a hellish war zone in Gaza from which they cannot escape, and the ongoing pandemic of gun violence and bitter partisan divisions closer to ...
As you learn to “walk your talk” in that what you belief inside of yourself, through your inner power and truth, it ignites into your outside world with a sense of ease and grace with every element that you experience. The important realization is that the journey of the Self will all...
Like the art of kintsugi, God redeems what is broken and makes it even more beautiful in a fallen world. It is good to recall that God is engaged in the business of redeeming people as broken objects and re-creating them as vessels of grace and beauty for His eternal purposes. “For ...
When the boat, Abigail, is revealed on the last episode of the first season, it is different than when the boat was again revealed in the first episode of the second season. Quotes Victor Strand: Fighting for something better can get you killed, but it's also something that can let you...
Oh Lord, help me to speak and behave in Christian love with all who claim you as Savior.Give me the grace to have courtesy and refrain from violence of tongue, heart, fist and online behavior. We pray to you for your holy Christian church in my own neighborhood and around the world.He...
Description:Michael Stewart has been captivated by the Brontes since he was a child, and has travelled all over the north of England in search of their lives and landscapes。 Now, he'd like to invite you into the world as they would have seen it。Follo
Nicholas Hotel, one small portion of which (521-523 Broadway) today houses a Lady Footlocker, but the next real point of interest that I can actually step inside is Grace Church, at the corner of 10th Street. Miller first praises the James Renwick-designed structure as "the most ornate ...
An Alchemist who brings forth characteristics of precision, skill, grace, dignity, diplomacy, tact, and discipline. The Virtues That Will be Acquired: Exhibiting great gentleness, love and tolerance that brings forth realization of unity in all creations of this Earth. Does your soul cry out for...