We are dropping the purpose and destination from our stride. The way we walk is important. Resting mind, allowing mind, welcoming heart. It is not an easy thing to move through a garden or down the sidewalk without becoming attached to the thousand things we see or think. The reflex is ...
People in the city; Up and down they go.People walking singly, People in a crowd; People saying nothing, People talking loud. People on the subway People on the sidewalk, People in the crowd; People talking loud. People laughing, smiling, Grumpy people too; People who just hurry And ...
People walking down a street, going on with their lives, pay attention to little else but the sidewalk pavement, the ground floor of buildings, and what is going on at street level in the space around them (Gehl2011). Therefore, sidewalks are not a trivial topic. As a fundamental element...
15 People on the sidewalk, People walking singley, People on the bus; People in a crowd; People passing, passing, People saying nothing, In back and front of us. People talking loud. 10 Underneath the ground, 27 People laughing, smiling, ...
The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers;wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints;we spend more, but have less;we buy more but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families;more conveniences, but less time;we have more degrees, but ...
All this is to say the obvious: we only see part of people’s lives -and if it’s getting you down, you’re probably comparing your insides to other people’s outsides. Everyone has their struggles and life is indeed not perfect for anyone. So, put down your phone, get offline, be...
People in the city Up and down they go. People in tall buildings And in stores below; Riding elevators Up and down they go. People on the sidewalk, People in the bus; People running, passing, Is quick and front of us. People walking singley, People in a crowd; People saying nothing,...
But I have been known to back the car out into the night, and just drive around the city, down streets I’ve never navigated, losing myself in winding subdivision lanes that empty out in cul-de-sacs, the car filling with the winter air, the heat up, the click-clack of tires on ...
20 Up and down they go. People on the sidewalk, People on the bus; People passing, passing, In back and front of us. People walking singley , People in a crowd; People saying nothing, People talking loud. People on the subway Underneath the ground, People riding taxis Round and round ...
Sing a Song of Peopleby Lois LenskiSing a song of people! Walking fast or slow;People in the' cityUp and down they go.People on the sidewalk,People on the bus; People passing, passing,In back and front of us.People on the subway Underneath the ground. Pe