The Walking Dead: The Game - Season 1: Directed by Sean Ainsworth, Nick Herman, Dennis Lenart, Eric Parsons, Jake Rodkin, Sean Vanaman. With Dave Fennoy, Melissa Hutchison, Nick Herman, Chuck Kourouklis. In a world devastated by the undead, a convicted c
The Walking Dead: The Game - Season 2: Regia di Sean Ainsworth, Jason Latino, Dennis Lenart, Eric Parsons, Graham Ross. Con Melissa Hutchison, Scott Porter, Mara Junot, Owen Thomas. Left to fend for herself, Clementine has been forced to learn how to sur
Telltale and Skybound, thank you for providing me such an amazing journey, I will never forget either Lee, Clem, AJ, Kenny, Carley, Violet or any other character that shared that journey with me in a positive way. You will always be in my heart, I can just say from the bottom of ...
If Kenny could comes back in season 2, make LEE comes back in other season? God.. I need to get through this whole LEE thing, I am too attached to him and Clementine. LEE is my Hero, Clementine like my younger sister. ): more ddebbielicious , 24/02/2016 Amazing Storyline and...
Walking Dead series mostly from season 2. Basically merging2 of the greatest zombie games together.Clementine, Lee, Nick and Kenny are playable characters for L4D1 and L4D2 though in campaign map The Passing you may run into your twin selves (they can also be played on modded maps). The ...
The failing of this game is pacing and writing. Falling down or jump scares are cheap plot devices sprinkled throughout your gaming experience. Instead of just telling a good story you're forced into nonsense "action" sequences that are so clunky and poorly made it would make even Ubisoft ...
提出遊戲要求 無法分開使用 18+ 描述 Customize your character with five skins based on characters from Telltale's hit series The Walking Dead. Included are: Kenny, Carley, Glenn, Lilly, and Molly. 發佈者 Telltale Publishing 開發者 The Fun Pimps / Iron Galaxy...
The Walkin..话说在最后去俄国佬的那个营地的时候卢克在河面冰面上踩裂冰面了,剧情让我选择是去救他或者掩护他打僵尸让他自己爬上来,我选择去救他...最后冰面直接完全裂了两人都掉下去然后卢克死了。。。有谁知道如果掩护他
HELP ME CHAT!| !ironside [The Walking Dead 3:14:55 【gx_aura】〔2024-07-26〕WHERE'S KENNY | !ironside [The Walking Dead Season 3] 31:04 【gx_aura】〔2024-07-26〕MORE ZOMBIES | !ironside [The Walking Dead Season 3] 22:47 【gx_aura】〔2024-07-28〕I'M IN A VIDEO GAME!? I...
Kenny Jane Javier García Violet Louis Michonne Hawthorne Unnamed or Unseen Seasons Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Michonne Episodes Bonus Scene Short Stories The Night the World Ended How I Protekted Clem Statistics Cast Crew Clementine Books Characters Clemen...