行尸走肉:最终季 The Walking Dead: The Final Season豆瓣评分:9.4 简介:克莱曼婷(Clementine)跨越重重难关,成为了一位坚强自立的幸存者,她的旅途终于到达了最终章。多年来在活人和丧尸的威胁下流离失所,或许她终于能在一间与世隔绝的学校安家。但是保护家园势必有
The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Episode 2Add-on weergeven The Walking Dead: The Final SeasonGame weergeven The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Episode 3Add-on weergeven The Walking Dead: The Final Season - SeizoenspasAdd-on weergeven The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Epi...
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【全剧情】TWD《行尸走肉:最终季》纯享(完结)The Walking Dead: The Final Season共计4条视频,包括:不再逃亡、让孩子来、残破的玩具等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
After years on the road facing threats both living and dead, a secluded school might finally be Clementine’s chance for a home. But protecting it will mean sacrifice. In this gripping, emotional final season, your choices will define your relationships
名称: The Walking Dead: The Final Season 类型: 冒险 开发商: Telltale Games 发行商: Skybound Games 系列: Skybound Games 发行日期: 2018 年 8 月 14 日 访问网站 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 查看讨论 查找社区组 嵌入 77 metacritic 阅读游戏评测 在Steam 上查看“Skybound Games”全合集作品 下...
The Walking Dead:最后一季 Skybound Games•动作与冒险 12 种受支持的语言不单独提供18+ 极度暴力,粗暴语言详细信息 评价 详细 图库 此内容已锁定输入您的生日 此内容已锁定输入您的生日 此内容已锁定输入您的生日 说明 克蕾敏汀跨越重重难关,成为了一位坚强自立的幸存者,她的旅途终于到达了最终章。多年来在...
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About The Walking Dead: The Final Season About this game Clementine, now a fierce and capable survivor, has reached the final chapter in her journey. After years on the road facing threats both living and dead, a secluded school might finally be her chance for a home. But protecting it wi...
行尸走肉:最终季 The Walking Dead: The Final Season的评论。[全四季+两个DLC通关47.5h]⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1. 剧情:第一季和第四季最佳,第三季几乎没有衔接感且剧情拉跨。全剧情线走下来,很欣慰亲眼见证一个小女孩的成长,与此同时随着剧情推进也能感知