Over the past few weeks we've added a two new sections to the character infobox - Eye Color and Episode Counts (Chapter and Issue too)! Thank you to all whose been helping us roll these out across the wiki! The Comic Universe mergers are still in effect, so please come help if you ...
The only greater use of the trick is in Season 2 of Fear the Walking Dead when it is often used by Nicholas Clark. The first seven of the final eight episodes featured archival footage and a brief narration by Judith on past events of the show prior to each episode beginning. This ...
Similar Wikis AMC Shows Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki! 61st Street•Better Call Saul / Breaking Bad•Dietland•Into the Badlands•Mad Men•NOS4A2•Pantheon•Preacher•Soulmates•The Walking Dead Universe ...
La enciclopedia en español sobre la serie The Walking Dead. Todo lo que deseas saber sobre esta aventura post-apocalíptica llena de zombies.
Bienvenue surThe Walking Dead Wiki communautaire et collaboratif sur lasérie, lespin-off, lescomicset lesjeux vidéo! Attention à ce que vous lisez, le wiki est mis à jour régulièrement pour inclure les dernières informations. Aidez-nous à développer le wiki !Modifications récentesCommuna...
……【转发】@魔戒中文wiki:#指环王:力量之戒#目前的影评网站评分:IMDb 评分6.6,打分人数8.1k;烂番茄影评人评分83,观众评分38,观众评分人数1224。
东方网12月10日消息:北京时间12月10日,据美国媒体消息,AMC美剧《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)原作编剧罗伯特科克曼(Robert Kirkman)透露续集计划,将会加入更多的惊悚元素,而第二季,预计在2011年10月回归。 作为《行尸走肉》的原作编剧,在该漫画被搬上荧屏后,罗伯特科克曼只参与了第一季第四集的剧本撰写工作,不过...
Mary Louise highlighted the work of newsman Robert Parry who wrote about news-breaking affairs in the Iran-Contra episode for the Associated Press: Parry found that his stories were often ignored by both the press and Congress. Parry, when working for Newsweek, further witnessed the actual re...
Season 4, Episode 5 –“Monster Movie” –This one is set within an Oktoberfest celebration in Pennsylvania with polka bands, big beers, and even bigger soft pretzels. Dracula, the Wolfman, the Mummy…and even a pizza delivery guy all wind up stealing the show. Shot in black-and-white…...
The same episode has him desperately trying to keep from having history repeat itself when he’s talking to Laurel and trying to avoid going on the Gambit. In the season 5 crossover, Oliver dreamed a perfect life for himself and Felicity wasn’t anywhere in it. When he realized he was ...