(SF-36) to better understand the clinical meaning of T25-FW walking speed in MS.Design, Setting, and ParticipantsWe retrospectively analyzed data from 3 clinical trials (Natalizumab Safety and Efficacy in...
After the prologue, we first see Sabriel resurrecting a fellow student’s pet bunny. Shortly thereafter, she receives a sending from her father, Abhorsen, delivering her his sword and bells. (The bells are used by necromancers to bind and manipulate the dead.) Intent on finding her father, ...
I did not expect it, but it was important for us to have her home, because you could clearly see how the soul leaves the body. Well, you have seen the child alive before and you have seen it dead one day later, which is not very pleasant, to put it politely. However, as we saw...
Tuhmeybperrovoifdeadscinefnotrsmaenddcodnseesncte. Enatcshfsourbejeacct hascseunbdjeedctanwdadsessciexn.deTdhtohue gsthairpsrevious studiesthhraede ctiomnessi.dTehreedtottahl enuemffebcert ooff atshceenstps eaendd odfesacpenptsrofoarcheatcoh tshuebjescttaiwrsas[2si7x,.2T8h],otuhge...
Step-detection and adaptive step-length estimation for pedestrian dead-reckoning at various walking speeds using a smartphone. Sensors 2016, 16, 1423. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 25. Suh, Y.S. A smoother for attitude and position estimation using inertial sensors with zero velocity intervals. IEEE ...