Key Verses "Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord." (2 Corinthians 5:6) "We live by faith, not by sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7) "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one...
As we know, the New Testament (NT) writers oftentimes quote from or allude to passages from the Old Testament (OT). The OT was written in Hebrew (some Aramaic). This Hebrew text was also translated into Greek. The Greek translation is known as the Septuagint, or LXX. In some verses th...
When we look ahead, we can fall into worry far too easily, anticipating what could possibly happen that will be hard. And there will be those things. But that’s what the life of faith is all about: Trusting God even when we don’t understand. Trusting him because we know his characte...
b. Memorize verses that will help you share the gospel (the “Romans Road” is not a bad place to start). c. Memorize verses that will help you defend the faith (1 Peter 3:15). d. Memorize verses that encourage you in your worship of the Lord. There are many more options than th...
It is enough to make one nervous about conclusions with too much crammed into them. But this is not always fair. Take our book, 1 Thessalonians. Here in the final verses of chapter 5, Paul puts so much into this that it sounds like one of those commercials. Herschel Hobbs said of our...
We know something of these men's work; of themselves we know absolutely nothing. Here, on the contrary, nothing is told us of any outward work that the man did; we only have the brief and summarized story of an inner life. But more than this. Enoch was the first saint, in the full...
Pause to listen between lines or verses to hear what the Holy Spirit is telling you about application to your life or what he may be revealing to give you a fuller understanding of the text. Offer thanksgiving to God for whatever he brings to you mind as you pray his word. ...
InJudges 6:36, Gideon says, “Ifyou will save Israel by my hand…”, and then he lays down the first fleece. A few verses later, before putting down the second fleece, he says, “Let not your anger burn against me…Please let me test just once more…” Gideon knew that he shouldn...
there are over 1,500 references to the second coming of Christ in the Old Testament and an amazing 1 out of 30 verses in the New Testament speak of His return. Are you aware that for every prophecy in the Bible concerning Christ’s first coming, there are 8 that look forward to His ...
You can find Bible verses that meet your needs in “The Bible Promise Book,” which has verses organized by topic. Any other source that presents Bible verses for various situations could work as well. The breath prayer is an important tool in Christian mindfulness. Using the Lord’s own wo...