Walking independently after a stroke is one of the major goals in post stroke rehabilitation. Yourgaitis your specific pattern of walking that occurs in several phases that require specific patterns of muscle activation that allow the joints of the lower limbs to move smoothly and synchronously in ...
Investigations of real-time brain activations during walking have become increasingly important to aid in recovery of walking after a stroke. Individual brain activation patterns can be a valuable biomarker of neuroplasticity during the rehabilitation process and can result in impro...
脑卒中的膝过伸改善训练Walking after a stroke_ stop knee hyperextension 162播放 川平手法——反复促通技术。上肢手法 5016播放 微短剧《中国神话》第二集《逐日》 15.5万播放 【广州中医药大学】中医基础理论 潘毅(全124讲) 424.6万播放 2023最美的夜 bilibili晚会 第一篇章正片 日落 精彩全程 这次更下头,但...
Walking Adaptability after a Stroke and Its Assessment in Clinical Settings Control of walking has been described by a tripartite model consisting of stepping, equilibrium, and adaptability. This review focuses on walking adaptabil... CK Balasubramanian,DJ Clark,EJ Fox - 《Stroke Research & ...
Maximum walking speed is a key determinant of long distance walking function after stroke. Background: Walking dysfunctions persist following poststroke rehabilitation. A major limitation of current rehabilitation efforts is the inability to iden... LN Awad,DS Reisman,TR Wright,... - 《Topics in ...
Stroke patients have increased risk of hip fractures. Nearly all fractures occur on the hemiplegic side, and reduced bone mineral density (BMD) may be an important predisposing factor. The aim of this study was to investigate the degree of demineralization within the first year after stroke, and...
Globas C, Macko RF, Luft AR. Role of walking-exercise therapy after stroke. Expert review of cardiovascular therapy 2009;7(8):905-10.Globas C, Macko RF, Luft AR. Role of walking-exercise therapy after stroke. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2009;7(8):905–10....
Researchers believed that a reason why people struggle with dual-task walking after a stroke may be linked to their walking automaticity—the pattern our brains run which means we don't have to think about walking. This pattern is linked to the cyclic pattern of walking whereby one step 'sign...
The aim of this thesis was to provide quantitative data and a better understanding of the development of co-ordination patterns after stroke, their possible correlation with functional performance and to what extend these co-ordination patterns can be manipulated. In order to quantify muscle co-ordin...
A higher energy cost of walking poststroke has been linked to reduced walking performance and reduced participation in the community.To determine the contribution of postintervention improvements in walking speed and spatiotemporal gait asymmetry to the reduction in the energy cost of walking after stro...