Steps Per Minute Calculator Stride Length Calculator Mile Pace Calculator Kilometre Pace CalculatorContents User GuideThis multi-functional tool will help you calculate many personal fitness performance indicators including cadence, pace, speed and stride from your distance, steps and time recorded during ...
The best free online walking calories calculator estimates the calorie burn while walking with the help of body weight, walking speed, and time.
Complete the walk as quickly as possible with safety in mind. At the end of the one-mile walk. Stop the stopwatch immediately. Record the time using decimals according to the minutes. For example, a time of 12:45 means twelve minute and 45 seconds. This time is recorded as 12.75 minut...
Calculate your walking pace after measuring the time it takes to walk a mile or kilometer.Fitness trackersand apps that use GPS or step cadence can display your brisk walking speed. Or, you can use an online pace calculator. Average Walking Speeds This table shows average walking speeds by di...
but walkers are less likely to know a good walking pace per km or mile. If you want a number to put into awalking calculator, general rules of thumb should suffice as calories burned per mile vary slightly at different walking speeds. However, if you need a number for a race entry, yo...
A 140 pound person burns 200 calories in the same scenario. For more styles of walking see our pages on calories burned while running, jogging, on a treadmill, nordic walking, and water walking. Calculator Weight lbs kg stone Walking Time Hours Minutes Type of Activity MET Calories ...
The best beginner's VO2 max test (one-mile walk)!The Rockport Walking Test is the perfect cardio fitness test for beginners. Time yourself for a one-mile brisk walk on a flat surface, take your pulse, enter your results in the calculator, and look up your VO2 max score from the ...
So it all depends on how fast you're moving: If you move at a brisk pace and walk that mile in 12 minutes, you'll burn 8.3 calories per minute; if you prefer a more leisurely stroll and take 20 minutes to get to the coffee shop a mile away, you'll burn 5 calories per minute....
Participating workplaces were asked to identify eligible employees by matching postcodes of workplace and home address and calculating distance using an online calculator ( It was a requirement of the research ethics committee that this was done by workplaces and not the ...
tables below show calorie burn per hour for light, moderate, and vigorous walking and cycling. At all intensities, cycling burns more calories per hour than walking for a 150-pound person, according to theCompendium of Physical Activities. (Calculations were made using theCornell METs calculator)...