We tried our best to pour water through the kitchen window, but the fire was too heavy. Luckily, the firemen came and put out the fire quickly. When my parents came back, they found I was dirty and tired. After my neighbor told them the whole story, they were happy and said I was...
If Lohse is in your party, send her outside while you talk to the elves. Have someone other than The Red Prince initiate conversation with the Lizard Kalias, as he strongly dislikes The Red Prince. Once you are finished talking to the Elves, go break through the blocked off section. You...
This is a collaborative walkthrough for Tomb Raider. Please add any missing information to any section and/or correct any errors that you find. Follow the paw prints in the snow straight ahead. Shortly you'll reach an area with slits in the walls. This i
head up the latter ahead and sneak across the roof by walking instead of running. Enter through the open window on the right arrive inside the warehouse's interior. Quietly sneak up to the guard below keeping watch and stab him with your knife to prevent suspicion. Return to the upper leve...
Generally, your revolting slaves follow along the walls of the maze, though several varieties will block your shots with shield, give chase if they spot you, or leave a trail of fire in their wake. There are fourteen mazes screens to complete in total with a certain element of non-...
Take the platforms now but watch out for the walls as they spit fire out at you (just time your jumps). Up ahead you'll fight a couple of wasps and then be introduced to a new enemy: the Daimyo Wasp. This guy is stronger than the samurai's (he's a daimyo!). He likes to ...
Afar is awesome, but stuck now with just red and yellow keys and don't know where to go anymore! Where are the walkthroughs!!! Chamber of Trials. What a game! Too tough - I know what I have to do, just too much mucking around. I went to the wrong checkpoint and it sent me ...
You can buy tools from the strangely-speaking man here, but the main stuff can be found in the walls. Try examining spots more than once to get more treasure. To whit: The barrels at the right have two Plate Mails; at the top right you can get a Rune Cap; the crate at the top ...
If she finds one, a beam of light will appear between you and the chest, even through walls. When you get close enough that no walls are in the way the beam will show you exactly where it is, if you move right on top of it and use the skill it'll reveal the chest. Not every...
Question: If you walk on a dry path between two walls a few feet apart, you hear a musical note or “ring” at each footstep. Whence comes this?Answer: This is similar to phosphorescent paint. Once any sound gets between two parallel reflectors or walls, it bounds from one to the ...